South African dessert
The Corn Exchange
Market days are about the people. Our need to gather, to interact, to explore and to exchange. They add the vibrancy, the sights, sounds and senses which a click of a mouse can never match. Giving producers, buyers, growers and sellers a reason to come together, to trade to exchange and to simply talk. “Food […]
[Edit] Renette is no longer making candels and her business is for sale. But she does have a website and Facebook page Renette’s Candles studio in Lake Brenton, Knysna, Western Cape, South Africa, is open from 8 – 5 daily. You are welcome to visit them during those hours. Should you require a specific candle […]
Plaasgenoot the Garden Route
Cowdray Farm Shop
Driving through the rolling South Down hills around Midhurst, its impossible not to notice that the window frames of many of the buildings in the area are pained a bright striking yellow. Signifying that they are part of the Cowdray Estate.
Garden Route . Peregrine Farm Stall, Grabouw Houw Hoek Farm Stall, Elgin Die Ou Tronk, Riversdale Blue Crane Farm Stall, Heidelberg Scarab Village, Sedgefield Home
Friday market
I battle to find content on what is on offer at the Montessori Friday Market. So if anyone is interested in trying their hand at a bit of blogging I run a free ‘no frills’ blogging and internet marketing workshop for Dummies. More info or add a comment below
Halaal takeaways
There are not a lot of choices when searching for halaal food on the Garden Route. More often than not one is limited to the fast food chains. But in George if you are looking for a bit of variety, you do have the option of Meelas Delights in Fabriek Street. The Gatsbys are an […]
Taste of Africa
BilTomm’s Biltong Stratford-upon-Avon Biltong online and Cotswold markets
The Grange
Just exactly what you expect from a local farm shop. Lots of fresh local farm produce. Bread, cakes, home-made style Cheese, local Chutney pickles & relishes good selection of local Fruit Honey, jam, preserves and home cooked meat pies As well as a colourful selection of plants and seedlings